Katelynn's Report

Katelynn's Report

(US Market)


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Sector & Industry Classification

Katelynn's Report manually maintains the sector and industry classification for each publicly traded company by following NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) guidelines. The classifications are double-checked regularly by our financial experts by looking into the most up-to-date fact sheet of corresponding business, as such the business establishments can be properly grouped and compared according to type of economic activity they are actually conducting.

Sector Classification

Each publicly traded company is classified into one of the thirteen sectors including Energy(n=223); Capital Goods(n=558); Consumer Durables(n=63); Technology(n=896); Health Care(n=1206); Finance(n=1637); Consumer Services(n=1089); Miscellaneous(n=88); Basic Industries(n=227); Consumer Non Durables(n=225); Public Utilities(n=223); Transportation(n=86); Others(n=865);

Industry Classification

Each publicly traded company is classified into one of the 108 industries listed in the following table

ID Industry NAICS* Count
1 property/casualty/life/health/specialty insurers 524XXX 159
2 advertising 5418XX 31
3 news agencies/publishing 5111XX 20
4 broadcasting (tv & radio) 5151XX 31
5 broadcasting and communications equipment 334220 25
6 telecommunication/television equipment/service 517XXX 115
7 aerospace (military & civilian) 33641X 30
8 military/tech MILITARY 37
9 ordnance and accessories 33299X 8
10 auto manufacturing 3361XX|3362XX|3363XX 38
11 auto parts 3363XX 42
12 off-road/race/special vehicles 3369XX 9
13 automotive aftermarket services 8111XX 25
14 argricultural chemicals/fertilizer 3253XX 18
15 major chemicals manufacturing 3251XX 68
16 specialty tech/drug/chemicals SPECIALTY_CHEMICALS 40
17 pharmaceuticals 3254XX 617
18 pharmaceuticals distribution 424210 10
19 biological products (diagnostic and non diagnostic) 32541X 196
20 farming/field/seed 111XXX 35
21 beverages (production & distribution) 3121XX 41
22 food stores 445XXX 13
23 food distributors 4244XX 13
24 meat/poultry/fish 3116XX|3117XX 5
25 packaged/specialty foods 311XXX 64
26 tobacco products 3122XX 1
27 air transportation/courier services 481XXX 25
28 trucking/hauling services 484XXX 20
29 railroad transportation 482XXX 12
30 water transportation 483XXX 75
31 transportation services 485XXX 28
32 aluminum production 331313 2
33 coal mining/beneficiating 21211X 13
34 mining nonmetal minerals (except fuels) 213115 17
35 precious metals 339910 122
36 steel production 3311XX 32
37 metal fabrications 3323XX 59
38 oil & gas production 211XXX 153
39 oil refining 3241XX 17
40 oil/gas transmission 486XXX 14
41 natural gas production & distribution 2212XX 36
42 textiles 313XXX 4
43 apparel 315XXX 28
44 shoe manufacturing 316XXX 10
45 apparel/shoe/accessory stores 448XXX 29
46 banks 521110 363
47 commercial banks 522110 39
48 saving banks 522120 48
49 security broker services 5231XX 78
50 investment management 5239XX 197
51 commercial physical/biological research or service 54171X 18
52 electromedical & electrotherapeutic apparatus 334510 42
53 laboratory analytical instruments 334516 25
54 commercial printing 32311X 4
55 building materials 327XXX 11
56 building operators 5311XX 10
57 building products (power, new energy)#mostly led light BUILDING_PRODUCTS 18
58 home furnishings 337XXX 24
59 2
60 residential building construction 2361XX 40
61 building material store/dealer 444XXX 16
62 nonresidential building construction 2362XX 2
63 engineering & construction services 5413XX 20
64 financing/mortgage 5222XX 87
65 consumer finance services 223XX 129
66 investor finance services 523XXX 236
67 diversified financial services 5412XX 9
68 professional services 541XXX 46
69 business/consulting/commercial services 5416XX|561XXX 296
70 rental/leasing 532XXX 8
71 other consumer services OTHER_CONSUMER_SERVICES 93
72 computer communications equipment 334210 15
73 computer manufacturing 334111 9
74 computer peripheral equipment 334118 17
75 prepackaged software/programming/edp services 518210|5112XX|5145XX 545
76 electronics distributions 45411X|443142 45
77 household appliances 3352XX|334310 30
78 consumer specialties CONSUMER_SPECIALTIES 15
79 agriculture/construction equipment 3331XX 17
80 industrial machinery 333XXX 211
81 oilfield equipment/services 33313X|213111|213112 24
82 industrial specialties 3359XX|3339XX|3322XX|3333XX 49
83 containers/bottling/packaging 327213 23
84 packaged goods 3256XX 17
85 department/general/specialty stores 452XXX 73
86 wholesaler 42XXXX 2
87 electric utilities 2211XX 71
88 eletricity/gas production/distribution (non state-owned) 2211XX|2212XX 37
89 electrical components/products 33531X|33441X|33451X 72
90 semiconductors 334413|333242 111
91 environmental equipment/services 562XXX 24
92 water supply/sewer 2213XX 23
93 fluid controls 334512 9
94 restaurants 722XXX 55
95 hotels/resorts 721XXX 40
96 motion picture entertainment 5121XX 17
97 recreational products/toys 3399XX 22
98 recreation services 713XXX 44
99 medical specialty equipment/services 334517|3391XX 202
100 assisted living 623XXX 32
101 hospitals 622XXX 28
102 forest products 321XXX 8
103 paints/coating 322510 3
104 paper products 322XXX 9
105 plastic products 326XXX 15
106 real estate/investment trust 531XXX 316
107 office equipment/services 3372XX 14
108 miscellaneous manufacturing OTHER_MANUF 24
109 others OTHERS 870

* 'X' represents all sub categories from 0 to 9. Descriptive string (e.g. BUILDING_PRODUCTS) is used when no appropriate category was found from NAICS classification.