Katelynn's Report

Katelynn's Report

(US Market)


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GDPR compliance

Personal Data Storage
Katelynn's Report is built on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, which is GDPR ready (Encryption, Deletion, Monitoring of Processing) and feature capabilities that enable customer GDPR readines. In Katelynn's Report, customer information is only accessible to account manager, who must sign legal documentations to bear legal liabilities for personal data breach. Batch copy/transfer of any customer information (including E-mail address) is strictly not allowed, except encrypted disk-level backup.

Personal Data Management
Customers of all tiers can make request to completely delete their accounts (See Deregistration) at any time. The request should be sent through the registration E-mail address. We will process the request within 24 hours of receiving such request.

Personal Data Monitoring
We regularly monitor and audit data access and permission changes. We will notify customers within 72 hours once a data breach has been spotted.