Fundamental Briefing

Table updated weekly. Data last updated 2024-05-18 13:59:03 -0500 US CDT

Ticker Name Sector Industry EXCH. IPO State/Country Split(20 wks) Earningsa Average volume to Shares Outstanding Price Earnings Ratio (PE) Price to Book Value Price to Sales Price to Operating Income Forward PE Price Earnings Growth Ratio (PEG) Price to Cash Flow Operating Price to Free Cash Flow Leverage Ratio Debt Equity Ratio Interest Coverage Quick Ratio Current Ratio Return on Equity Return on Assets Gross Margin Net Profit Margin Operating Margin Income Growth Sales Growth Institutional Ownership Payout Ratio Yield Assets Shareholder's Equity Market Cap Revenue Net Income

a Value shown as percent change "over previous period | over same period last year".
* The most recent data after the last trading day. Updated daily

* Numbers in the second row represents the difference from previous close price. They are used to calculate risk/reward ratio.
† The number of last (n) trading days used to calculate possibility of intra/inter day cross over support/resistance lines. Gray background denotes overall possibility. Green/Red background denotes crossover and closed above/below line.
‡ In the last (n) trading days, the proportion of high/low price lies in the resistance/support region (defined by x% above/below corresponding level). Green/Red background denotes low/high price lies in support/resistance region.

* Date calculated from 10-period price variation (i.e. (High - Low)/Close * 100%). The second row represents corresponding dollar amount based on previous close price.

Technical Chart & Overlays

Fundamental Indicators (Max 7): Quantitative Predictions: Div & Earnings: Chart Layout:
SEC Filings: Insider Transactions:

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